Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy
All information collected from users, teachers, students, employees, and so on will on be use for
registration and background checks only. This information will not be used for any other purposes or
shall not be sold to any company(ies). All information in regard to any registration shall remain
confidential. If any information should be required to be released for any reason a proper request and a
signed handwritten consent must be received from the person in question. By registering to our
platform, you agree to the terms and conditions and give us consent to collect your information as
mentioned above. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at
Required Fields and Documents: (Teachers)
2 forms of identification from the list presented below
Driver License
Social Security
ID card
First, Middle, and Last Name
Location with full address
Bank information for deposits in US or PayPal any other country
Teacher’s license or certification
Resume and Cover Letter
2 types of references
A picture taken of them holding their license or the form of identify with a picture on it with the date
and year of the application. This action is taken to avoid and prevent use of stolen identify. This will not
be published or use for any other purposes other than registration. Please be aware we are doing that
for safety and security purposes.
Required Fields and Documents: (Students)
2 forms of identification from the list presented below
Student ID
Social Security
Birth Certificate
First, Middle, and Last Name
Location with full address
Student Grades 1 st , 2 nd ,3 rd , elementary, middle, high school, etc.
School name or homeschooled
Subject he or she needs help with
Tell us a little bit about yourself: Help us get to know you a little better. What do you like or don’t like?
What is your favorite color? what are your goals? what you want to become in the future? do you have
any pets? etc.
Parents’ information such as email to send them monthly progress of student and for the teacher or
tutor to remain in contact in case of bad performance, rescheduling, or otherwise.